Monday, December 15, 2008

Relationship Improv!

Have you ever heard the expression, "Stop the Insanity?" The definition of insanity is doing things the same way and expecting different results. Nothing rings more true that continuously looking for ways to 'fix' relationships! The real truth: Nothing is broken. Everyone is great. Everything is great. We just need other tools to deal with them.

Relationships, both personal and professional, are the most complex activity that we humans participate in. There is no Relationship 101, 201, 301 offered in schools, and yet we are all expected to relate to each other easily. And when we don't, things get caught in resistance, judgement, opinion, making others wrong...need I go on?

The Rules of Improv when applied to relationships, can help to bridge the ever expanding communication gap widening in this world of high tech communicating. We are forgetting how to talk to each other.

This three session, highly interactive teleclass will give you simple tools to help you be successful in stopping some of the insanity in your life and attract the relationships, personal and professional that really work for you!

Learn how to use the rules of Improv to SHIFT the dynamics of any relationship in your life. These rules and the information you will obtain will help you to relate better to clients, bosses, co-workers, relatives, and even those significang others in your life.

Come have fun while practicing your new skills in a safe environment. Bring others along with you so you can both practice the skills together.

This teleclass is great for you if you are single, married, partnered, or just curious! If you are having trouble connecting with Mr. or Ms. Right, with co-workers, the boss, clients, staff -- maybe you need to change the rules of the game!

Relationship Improv will assist you to:

Listen more respectfully
Pick up on subtle cues
Demonstrate trust
Value opinions
Be more authentic
Be more flexible with people
Build trust and express themselves more effectively

--> Experience expansion in conversation through passion, curiosity, and acknowledgement & create less pressure and more fun

What is the cost of one conversation that ends in a stalemate, where no one feels valued, ideas are lost, and trust is broken?

Answer: Untold millions! It's happening every day all day in companies, families, and communities.

Come join us! Sign up today -- email

Relationship Improv! Teleclass

Starts March 30, 2009 - 12 noon PST, 1 pm MST, 2 pm CST, 3 pm EST. Each session up to 75 minutes in length.

Mondays starting March 30, 2oo9

Your investment: $97.00

Registrants will be sent a PayPal request for easy processing

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